A Calling of Leadership

We are all leaders and blessed with different gifts. Whether we are leaders at home, work, or ministry, God allows us opportunities to influence others. We can use our gifts to mentor and empower, even using our leadership calling to call out the leader in others.

Equipping The Called

“Jesus called His twelve followers to Him. He gave them power to put out demons and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease.” (Matthew 10:1 New Life Version)

Jesus called the few and then empowered them to follow His example. He called out their calling of leadership. Like Jesus, we can choose to be the type of leader who empowers others to lead. Effective, life-changing leaders equip others by teaching the teachable and sending them out to become leaders themselves.

Like the disciples, we may not think of or see ourselves as God sees us. We may hear God’s call in our lives but hold back for fear of feeling unqualified. We may think we lack the strength, courage or wisdom among other attributes. We may even think we have made too many mistakes in the past. When we are stuck, God often sends someone to help mentor and call us into our calling. Or, we may end up being the mentor to another.

Leading Thru Mentorship

“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning” (Proverbs 9:9 NIV)

Leading involves helping others to develop their own gifts, even though we may not feel perfectly developed ourselves. Too often, we can focus solely on ourselves and our goals. This is a mistake, as we can miss the gifts of others and miss the opportunity to develop our own gifts in the mentoring process.

We can be effective mentors and empower others to lead by being engaged and influential leaders ourselves. We can choose to be aware of the problems and opportunities around us. We can ask God for guidance and choose to be proactive when the timing is spirit-led. 

Showing Others What Is Possible

“Remember your leaders who first spoke God’s Word to you. Think of how they lived, and trust God as they did” (Hebrews 13:7 NLV)

We all need someone we can go to for words of wisdom and turn to for help. We need to see others as an example to know what is possible, or even be the example ourselves. God can use us to point out spiritual gifts and place us on someone else’s path to help utilize these gifts. 

The sharing of personal stories and testimonies is powerful. We can use our background and experiences to help other women grow professionally and spiritually. It’s often hard to believe for something we feel is impossible unless we can physically see the possibility thru another.

God calls us all to be leaders in different areas of our lives. We can use our leadership positions to walk alongside others, encourage them, share the message of hope, and be there when they fall down. It’s thru teachable examples that we can help others rise into their callings, show Gods mercy and share about the forgiveness of God.

Scripture References:

Copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

LifeAlexandra Tresch