Fearless in the Pursuit

Many times I have doubted my career dreams, doubted if this is where God wants me to be. It has been difficult to pursue my career, to be in school and pursue the major of my dreams. I remember praying to God to come to this school, the school of my dreams. I remember pinning it up on our dream wall in my old church. I remember praying to God, and asking Him to only allow it to happen if it was a part of His will in my life, and it happened. I got that acceptance letter, and began to follow my dream career. Although, pursuing my dream career has been an absolute nightmare. I have faced many obstacles, I’ve been discouraged by many, and often doubted if this is where I am supposed to be…

Whenever I begin to fall into those thoughts and into that doubt I remember, I prayed for this, I prayed to be here and completely trusted God with the decision. Here I am now, and yes, it has been difficult. Yes, I have cried and battled. Yes, I have been discouraged and letdown. Yet, through every one of those situations, I remember that prayer, and I remember that God wanted me to be here and He has been there for me. In every struggle, instead of doubting and fearing, I’ve realized this is an opportunity to let God be God. This is where God is telling me, “Daughter, trust me. I put you here for a reason, and I will help you get through this.” In my college career, I have trusted and relied in God more than ever in my life. Through the stress and bumpy roads, I know He is in control. He set me here, on this very campus, pursuing my dream career for a reason.  

Facing those difficult situations or stressful moments, we instantly begin to doubt where we are and if we really belong here or there. We have a bad habit, us Christians, and that is that as soon as we hit a difficult situation, we give up or back out because we begin to believe it is not in “Gods will” for us. But what if that hard moment is in Gods will for us? What if He wants to teach us something through that situation, something that will guide us to our purpose, better preparing us. God never allows anything in our life to happen in vein. Absolutely everything in our life happens for a specific purpose; good or bad, God works everything for good. 

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34:4, New King James Version)

Yes, we are afraid. Yes, we doubt… But always remember God has given us this opportunity to rise and shine through Him. To become fearless in the pursuit of our dreams, to become fearless in the negative situations and instead find the positive, what God wants us to learn from this. Pray on everything, trust God to either let it happen or take it away. Being afraid in the pursuit our dreams, in our college career, is something that is real. There are many set backs, times when you want to give up, people and situations that bring you down.  Through those situations, remember God put that dream in your heart for a reason. Your life, heart, and dreams rest in Him. The dreams in your heart were handpicked by God, specifically for you, His child. There is a reason He awakened that dream, there is a reason He wanted you to pursue that career. Be fearless, and pursue it. Remember His promises and trust His works through the good and the bad. Become fearless in the pursuit, and trust His dreams for you.

New King James Version (NKJV)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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