SHE Interview: Lara Casey + Powersheets Giveaway!

SLD: Hi Lara! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Lara Casey: Hi, y’all! I’m Lara. I’m a mom to three (one through the gift of adoption), a grateful wife, and a believer in the “impossible.” I’m the creator of the PowerSheets, a grace-filled goal setting planner, and Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Southern Weddings — a magazine that I created from the ground up. I am passionate about faith, loving my family well,and helping people get unstuck and unrushed. I founded the Making Things Happen movement and recently released my first book, Make It Happen: Surrender Your Fear, Take the Leap, Live On Purpose, to help women live on purpose and make what matters happen. I love the women I work alongside each day, hot boiled peanuts, my garden, exploring local farms, and living in Chapel Hill, NC!

SLD: What does being “brave” mean to you?

Lara Casey: It means taking God at His Word. It means believing that God is real, and that He will help me when I say yes to His crazy plans. Brave means activating my faith.

SLD: This month, our theme is all about “Becoming Fearless” in order to pursue the things God has created us to do. To us, that means that sometimes we have to step out and do things in fear and trust that eventually our emotions will follow. When we do things in faith, God steps in and does the miraculous. Then we experience His joy and peace. Do you agree? Is this something you have seen in your life?

Lara Casey: Yes, exactly. I think of Moses (I love Moses). He was not equipped, but God called him anyway. And Moses was real with God. He told Him that he didn't think he was fit for the job. But, God stepped in and did the miraculous through imperfect, not-so-brave Moses. I can relate. I've hesitated, and questioned why God would have me do pretty much all the things I've done in my life: from starting a magazine, to being a mom, to writing my book. I was not naturally equipped to do these things. And I'm an introvert, so speaking, writing, and sharing are not innate for me either. But, over time, God has helped the turn that fear into faith, little by little. In those times when I've let go and let Him do His thing, that's when the peace that passes all understanding comes in. There is no greater peace than knowing you don't have to do it all. There's the popular phrase, "She believed she could and so she did." I know a deeper truth: She believed she couldn't, and so He did.

SLD: If you were sitting down for coffee with a friend and she shared some big dreams and visions she had on her heart with you, but then went on to tell you she was too afraid to pursue them, what would you say to her?

Lara Casey: First, I would ask her to tell me more about how she felt. Usually, solutions and answers are one level deeper than what's on the surface in a conversation. Once she told me more, I'd ask her if I could pray for her right then and there. Prayer is an action step.

SLD: Can you tell us about a time in your life in which you had to become fearless and how you did it?

Lara Casey: Fearing something means you respect it. It means it has meaning and power in your life. For me, the goal is to take my earthly fears—like what others think of me, etc.—and transfer that respect to God. We recently adopted our daughter, Sarah, and it was one of the most faith-stretching seasons we've ever gone through as a family. There was so much unknown. We didn't know if our birth mom would change her mind at the last minute, what she would be like, where we would find the funds for our adoption, how we would handle two babies (I had just had a baby boy six months prior), how we would do this with two full-time jobs and a toddler too, etc. We had to let God take full control, and that was hard. There was nothing we could do to prepare for this season but pray. Well, it turns out that was the best thing we could have done. It was a season of refinement and huge change for our family, lots of tears, but it was fruitful. Our faith grew right along with our family. Through His strength, we became brave.

SLD: Do you think that being brave and fulfilling our calling(s) as Christian women requires following a different path than that of the world? How so?

Lara Casey: I want to write this answer in the clouds, as big as the oceans. Yes. If you are following the God of the Bible, your life will be distinct. You will stand out. People will wonder where your hope comes from. And that's my hope for all I do. The way I lead my team, the motivations behind my business decisions, how I mother my children, and how I love Ari are inherently different, and I hope it makes people wonder what makes me tick. 

SLD: What advice do you have for women in regards to “balancing” things who are mom’s, wives, employees and are feeling the call be “brave” and pursue something God has placed on their heart?

Lara Casey: This isn't advice per se, but more of a kick in the pants: get to it. Do not waste another second mindlessly scrolling the internet if God has called you to grow a business, or love your family more intentionally. You will not find your answers in the scroll of your thumb, unless you are on When we get to the source of life—the living Word of God—we find true balance. True rest. True contentment. And you know what? God's Word puts things in perspective and helps us know what NOT to focus on. If you desperately crave more time for what matters, or clarity, or wisdom, get in the Word. You just might find what you are looking for sooner than you think. For me, pouring out prayer and reading truth gives me a gut check on areas where I waste my time. It frees me to focus on what I've been called to do.

SLD: Why do you think it’s important for women to step into their calling and be brave?

Lara Casey: Because God made you for a reason, and you were created to help others know Him. That is a big deal! If I may, I'm going to speak right to you, sisters. If you are a disciple of Jesus, you have the gift of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit will help you. You are not doing this life alone here on this earth. You have the power of the living God inside of you. He is with you, and for you. Isn't that incredible? 'So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand' (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).

SLD: If you had the entirety of Christian women in front of you, what message do you feel would be most important to communicate to them?

Lara Casey: The best things in life aren't things, or status, or popularity, or approval, or whatever it is that's beenholding you back from cultivating fresh faith. 'Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also' (Matthew 6:21 NIV). Our hearts follow our treasure. 

SLD: Lastly, what is your favorite way to rest, relax, and unwind?

Lara Casey: I love being out in the garden with Grace, making Josh and Sarah laugh, and singing in church on Sunday mornings. And I love getting to help women, Lord willing, get unstuck. I hope these thoughts encouraged you! Thank you so much for allowing me to share!