Godly Business Principles

 As Christian business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals, we are called by God to conduct our business with morals and ethics. We have been entrusted with His resources and need to manage them with care and skill. It is our responsibility to honor the Lord in our business by observing and following His principles. 

Many of us have held different positions in the work force, even walking away from our careers to pursue professions placed in our hearts by God. Here are 4 Christian business principles I have observed from my own entrepreneurial journey:


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5 New International Version)

The Lord desires for us to trust Him in everything. This doesn’t mean we trust him only in our personal lives, we need to include our professional lives as well. As Christian business professionals, we depend on the Lord’s leadership and guidance in business. We need to actively pursue God’s blessing and grace upon our work. We have faith action when we pray and trust Him to provide strategic direction, resources, and finances. He has the ability to open doors and makes greater opportunities when we choose faith.


"Do not be lazy but always work hard. Work for the Lord with a heart full of love for Him." (Romans 12:11 New Life Version)

All the great men and women of the Bible were working people, many were even working when God called them. God calls the busy, not the lazy. The Lord expects us to be productive and use our knowledge, gifts and talents, no matter how great or small. Hard work is essential in conducting business, shows God that we appreciate his resources and that we don’t intend to waste them. We can glorify God at any career level and at any business position if we faithfully use what He has given us during each season of our lives.


"To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." (Proverbs 21:3 NIV)

The Lord is just, therefore we must conduct business with integrity and fairness. Not only is fair treatment a Biblical principle, it is likely to improve business relations with employees, co-workers and clients. It is important that we provide exactly what we promise, are honest, only engage in endeavors that are pleasing and acceptable to the Lord, and we refrain from actions that may be profitable but morally wrong. 


"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

The Lord is generous, merciful and gracious. A godly business applies these traits and strives to do more than self-sustain, they help provide for others. Christian business professionals go beyond worldly expectations of generosity to help the least of society because God has blessed us as such. Philanthropy becomes a heart motive, giving how and where the Spirit leads us. While this may seem risky or foolish to those who don’t understand, Christian business professionals give in faith knowing that God's rewards triumph earthly rewards.

We are all born with unique gifts and talents that are essential to our careers and professions. Allowing God to develop and use these abilities allows Him to increase and strengthen us in so many ways greater than we could do on our own. Using our gifts and talents wisely and becoming outstanding in our occupation, whatever profession it may be, honors God. 

Scripture References:

Copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide