Are We Ready for the Promise?

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As 2020 began, many of us felt the wave of a fresh future upon us. We felt this was the year for big things and great breakthroughs. Little did we know what the early parts of this decade would hold. Many are now joking about how there seemed to be 8,000 days in March and counting.

And yet, I am expectant, still. Perhaps the fresh wave we anticipated is actually the upheaval we feel around us. In order to make way for the new, you have to first get rid of the old. And we — being creatures of habit — are very slow in changing our old ways. It often takes an outside force beyond us to help us write that new chapter in our life.

Have you considered that perhaps that closed door in the workplace just might be God shutting one door for something better in your life? School being closed might actually be the groundwork you needed to find time to build those family relationships you have been longing for? Take whatever that circumstance you are frustrated by and leave a little room for reflection, He just might start changing your perspective.

Because it is in the reflection of who you once were and the realization of who you want to become, that change can begin to take place. If you are anticipating great things for 2020, here is your chance to cultivate the heart posture so that God can begin to move in the details.

Great promises never come without a big battle. From Abraham to Joshua, the Israelites waited 1,000 years for the promised land. And yet, when that day came to cross over into Cannan, there stood Jericho. The first of many battles to receive their promise; even though they were stepping into a new season. The promise never comes on a silver platter.

So, if you feel you are standing on the precipice of something new, you just might be. Press into that place of contemplation and reflection as you let go of what was and embrace what can be. 

There is a promise of God on your life, my friend. Do not mistake that. If you are breathing, He has something for you. But that promise won’t come without first changing our mindset and stepping forward into the uncomfortable. Because stewarding the promise requires the character to be able to handle the promotion. And it’s in the uncomfortable that our character is refined.

Our family has been walking through a challenging cancer battle with my 3-year-old son. We are on round 3 of relapse. And yet, I wouldn’t change this chapter for anything. I look back on who I was when this began two years ago and there is no way I would want to go back. God has done something in the uncomfortable. He has removed coping mechanisms and preconceived notions as He shapes me more into His Son’s image. And as challenging and hard as moments have been, I know He has been with us in the midst of the upheaval. We are secure in the hands of a loving Father whose plans are for us. I know He has never forsaken His own, not one person in all of history who has leaned on Him. I can rest in His promises as I reflect on where I’ve come from and where I’m going.

If you have never put your hope in the Creator of the Heavens, I invite you to have that conversation with Him now. Your words don’t have to be perfect. The answers don’t have to be clear. He is looking for reflective hearts crying out for their Heavenly Daddy. He hears the cries of His kids. When we knock, He always answers. (Matthew 7:7) And for those who choose to rest in the shelter of His wings, they are completely and totally secure. (Psalm 91) Circumstances can not shake their inner peace. 

So let’s reflect a little on the promises of God as we look at 2020. He is with us in this. He is in the changing seasons. He is simply asking us to come a little deeper. Will you answer the call?