Jesus + Boss Ladies

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For two months, I was sick with three different types of flus. It was the kind of sick that cripples you to stay in bed for days without seeing anyone. It was terrible! I had driven myself to that place all by myself. Because of how busy I had been for months, with no rest or time for devotion, I had weakened my health and found myself in a place of feeling “sidelined” by God.

While I was sick, I was forced to be still. I’m uncomfortable with that because I’m a high-capacity leader used to juggling multiple things at a time. I’m used to running from meeting to meeting. I’m used to a full day of activities. But that’s not how we were designed to live.

Maybe you can relate.

Jesus calls us to come away with Him to a place of rest and refreshment. So how do we do that in a culture where productivity is measured by busyness?

1.    Give Yourself Grace

Know that God’s time is greater than ours. Remember He created time. You won’t always get your whole checklist done. You may have a day of resting and no measurable productivity. However, taking care of yourself and allowing yourself to be refilled is sometimes more productive than getting an assignment or task done.

2.    Find a Rhythm

Find a way to write out your schedule to include your resting time. As a woman with many tasks to take care of, it’s pertinent that you schedule that time in for rest. If you can schedule meetings or times to finish tasks, you can include rest in your day. At least 30 minutes to an hour of rest every day will go a long way.

3.    Be Accountable

Friends, pastors, mentors and family members can help you on your newfound journey. Allow them to see your schedule and call you out when you are not listening to your body, mind or spirit. Allow them into your life enough to check in on your personal devotional time with Jesus. Take tips on how to switch things up.

   4. Change Your Routine

Let Jesus lead you in a season of finding new ways to do your devotional time with him if things seem dry. God wants to speak to you and grow you, but you have to be willing to follow His leading. Maybe spending 30 minutes a day reading the Bible doesn’t work for you. Try listening to the Bible app while painting or walking at a park. Switch it up. God is always with you and will speak to you.

All in all, don’t be afraid of change. Rhythms come and go; they change constantly. Don’t worry if God wants to do something new. Allow people in to help you, and you will thank God for slowing you down to rest and relax in His presence.

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