She is a Cultivator

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Cultivating a life worthy of being called a daughter of God can seem daunting most days. Living up to the expectations of praying without ceasing, obeying His every call on your life and trying to live as closely to Jesus’ ways as possible can be quite overwhelming.

If there is one truth you can dwell on today, it is that you are already everything you need to be! God does not expect perfection from us, even if culture pushes that perspective toward us daily. 

You may be a cultivator of love, truth, adventure, strength or knowledge. God is forever molding us into these women full of attributes to offer the world. Our focus needs to be on allowing those attributes to shine.

This quarter we are leaning into what it means to be a cultivator. We are searching deep to find what God is calling us to fine tune and implement into our lives. 

I want to cultivate purpose.

God has been calling me to not only be expectant of his purpose for my life, but to come alongside others to cheer them on in finding their purpose. Within work, my marriage, among friends and at church - God is revealing to me how I can better grow into my purpose in these areas. 

Pray fervently, asking God to reveal what you can cultivate in this season of your life. 

Do you feel led to be a cultivator of love - show it through uplifting others, even strangers, as often as you can. Or maybe you are wanting to be a cultivator of community - gather your friends for game nights or take an acquaintance to coffee. You may feel led to be a cultivator of courage - be that listening ear to those going through hard times. Through God, we can grow into the women He is calling us to be.

Really work on putting what He says into action. Day by day, you will find these attributes will start to come naturally. 

Hold to this truth as you dive into the articles this quarter on She Leads Daily.

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