In His Image

He is who He says He is. 

Standing firm in this truth sets us free and has a transformative effect on each of our lives as an image-bearer of our Savior. Our lives are eternally impacted when we abide in who He proclaims Himself to be through the gospel and faith. With an overflow of grace, we are redeemed because of who and what Christ did for us.

Am I giving space for Him to lead the way? For Him to make Himself known to me so that I am in a constant place to make Him known? His character reveals the depth of our need for Him. Having such knowledge of all of who Christ is, we are called to show up however He might have us. His truth is perfect. His rule is right. His characteristics are pure. But the question stands— is He fully occupying our whole self, is His truth aligning our posture to face Him every day…are we allowing Him to do so? 

I want us to look at three characteristics of the Lord that will guide us in grasping this idea that because of who He is, we get to live the abundant life, surrendered and obedient, standing firm in being made in His image. We are not meant to carry the weight of it all, whatever that might be in your life right now. Living from an overflow of who God is impacts the way we respond, how He is calling us to pour out. 

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“God made the earth by His power; He established the world by His wisdom. And by His understanding and skill, He has stretched out the heavens.” 

(Jeremiah 10:12, Amplified Bible)

God is the creator. He is a God who is capable of all things. We see in Jeremiah that it is by His power, His wisdom, His understanding and skill that are the source of His creations. In His image, through these very specific pieces of who our Lord is, we have access to Him. He existed before anything and we get to find completion in Him. We can rest in this truth, understanding that we are free from having to be capable of it all - we get to rely on the power, wisdom, understanding, and skill that our God teaches us. We can freely surrender all things because we have faith, hope, and trust that because He is capable of all things, He has control over all things. 

How does walking freely in our God who is a creator, capable of all things, impact what you are facing today? 

Does it take the pressure off of you?

“I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement for this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm! 

(Ephesians 1:19-20, The Passion Translation)

God is all-powerful. He is a God who can do anything. He can carry whatever we ask Him to, we can take it all to Him because He is not limited. Too often I find myself holding back from Him. Perhaps, I think my ask might be too small and not significant enough, and other times maybe it's too big of an ask or need. There are no putting limits on the Lord. He has set the table, there is no portion control with Him — we already have that seat right next to Him. When He promised us with refreshment, with abundant life, He didn’t set aside a certain amount for us. He gives us all of who He is so that we never have to depend on our capacity. He means it when He tells us this— don’t ever believe that He is rationing. He is sufficient for demand. 

“Opposition to truth cannot be excused on the basis of ignorance, because from the creation of the world, the invisible qualities of God’s nature have been made visible, such as his eternal power and transcendence. He has made his wonderful attributes easily perceived, for seeing the visible makes us understand the invisible. So then, this leaves everyone without excuse. 

(Romans 1:20)

God is eternal. He is a God who has existed always, who remains, not conformed to the timing of the flesh. Let Him grab your attention. Every time. Our God is unchanging, and when we understand how powerful that characteristic is, we will understand the depth of the love He has for us. Often we can question, doubt, wrestle with, but He is constant even when we waiver. When we open ourselves up to Him, He is released deeply inside of us without any boundaries. He wants to invade our space with no end in mind. It is not a matter of anything else but who He is. Maybe these sit with you as they have for me— in a resting place of the magnitude of all of His love— how far-reaching it is? Our God has no end, and He sent His son to die on a cross, and rise again so that you and I can spend eternal life with Him.

Do we fully grasp God’s character, the capacity to which He is pouring Himself out to us? 

Do I truly lean into who He says He is?


I don't know about you, or what you might be facing and wrestling with today, I don’t know exactly where you need more hope, joy or love in your life. Maybe you’re seeking His purpose, His goodness, in the mess, the imperfect. When we take hold of His character, we shift direction and perspective. It ultimately is not about us, but through Him and in Him we experience all the characteristics of our Lord. He just wants us to show up, surrendered and expectant of all He is doing within. His plans will prevail, because the victory is already won, and trusting that gives us the freedom to bear that image. The weight of who God is shapes how we live, creating a space where He is made known.