Testimony of Move

"You're moving," God told me in June of 2016. I let out a little laugh, "Haha! Do you want me to move out of my parents' house, God?" I replied jokingly." He immediately responded with, "Just prepare yourself to leave your family." And He wasn't joking. 

This turned my stomach into knots. My family and I are very close, and I did not think I would ever move out. I thought that when I get married one day, we would just add a wing to my parents' house. Apparently, God had other plans.  

"Where am I going, God?" I asked. Silence. For months, He did not answer that question. 

In January of 2017, my pastors called me into their office to tell me that they were planting a church in Fort Worth, Texas, and they would like for me to be one of the people to move with them to get this God-given vision going. My heart sank because this was it; this was the thing God told me six months ago....

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When I told my parents, their answer was 'no.' Their response was very understandable — they were just being parents. Every time I would try to bring it up, they'd get upset. So, I decided to fast the whole year of 2017, praying and interceding for God to shift their hearts. 

“God, they are not budging. I want to be obedient to You, but at the same time honor them. You're gonna have to literally send an actual angel to tell them to let me go." 

Mid-October, God tells me I'm supposed to leave for Texas on November 9, 2017. “Well Lord, I don't know if it's gonna happen because they don't even wanna talk about it." 

Suddenly, I get a call from my mom while I was at school. 

"I got you boots!" she said excitedly. "Aww, thank you, mama! But that's so random! What did you get me boots for?" I asked. I heard her take a pause, then she said, "For Texas...." I gasped, asking, "What made you change your mind?" 

What she said next will forever leave me shook. 

"An angel came into your dad's dream and told him, 'The Father wanted me to deliver a message to you: You have to let your daughter go where He needs her to go..."

I still remember being on the plane, holding my ticket that read, "From Sacramento, California to DFW, Texas. November 9, 2017." 

As I was looking for my seat, I thought to myself, "Wow, Lord. I can't believe it. We made it." Thinking about it right now, I can't help but smile because God spoke something and He literally did it. I know, I know — that’s such a cliché thing to say, but to actually experience His promise coming to pass…it is something else! And the cool thing is that I was leaving for a super far state, knowing that my parents are supporting me genuinely. With them knowing that I was walking blindly into the next chapter but that God was leading me, it gave them peace. 

A year-and-a-half later, our church has been growing so fast. Even with my personal valleys and God growing/stretching me in different areas of my life, I have no regrets about stepping out in faith (no matter how terrifying). 

God continues to remind me that He is walking with me. He resides in me everywhere I go. I pray that this story will inspire and motivate you to trust in God and the truth that whatever He speaks has to happen. Nature and logic have to do what He says.