The Good and the Glory

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“Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He who is calling you [to Himself for your salvation], and He will do it [He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you, and protecting you as His own].” (1 Thessalonians 5:24, AMP)

He who calls you is so very faithful, friends. He assures us of this so many times throughout scripture. It stands out here in this verse as Paul adds even more reassurance of our God, and the peace He ultimately brings. He calls us. The impact of His purpose in and through us is overflowing — it is eternal. 

For us to even begin to comprehend this idea of Him calling each of us, calling us to Himself, we need to start at the foundation. We dig into the thought that He can only be the foundation, and therefore any situation or person builds off of Him. 

We were created with a purpose. That we were knit in our mother’s womb with the most intentional purpose. We are meant to live for that purpose, where He is made known through His name being proclaimed above all. All of who He created us to be flows from being image-bearers of our Creator, and His impact of the purpose He knit us with lights the path of our lives. We get to live from a place of freedom, through grace, faith, and truth embracing His purpose to the fullest.

We desire an abundant life. We thirst for a deep relationship with the faithful Lord. We want to get away from the busy, and see meaning in our lives, in this season, with what we have. We want to dig into His truths and live out His glory in the life He has called us to. This requires us to take up the cross, understanding that the only true thing to make us whole is God himself. We make space for His opportunity and planting ourselves firmer in Him is to not follow our own path but His.

You see, the impact that His purpose has on our lives here on earth sets the course for our eternity with Him. He has determined our destiny ahead of time, He called us to Himself and in doing so He has transferred His perfect righteousness to all that He has called. He has promised to stand with us, an influence that never leaves us. He is not withholding in His purpose, He is working it out for our good and for His glory. To be transformed by His purpose takes obedience and surrender, making way for His abundance.

The impact of God’s purpose over our lives postures us to live, seek and stand in the good and the glory. His truth is perfect, therefore no fear needs to creep its way in when all that He is revives, making it sure. His rule is right, therefore no doubts have to consume, because we rejoice in Him enlightened and pure. His way is clean, therefore imperfections are in fact glorifying Him because in His image we are true. His purpose is our freedom because He is the light unto our paths even in the darkness.

The imperfections we are made of are all a part of His plan for us. We can let go of the lies of not being good enough, and embrace the fact that God is calling each of us to live our lives with intention. I intend to live on purpose and be transformed by grace. By following that purpose with fire and passion for our Savior Jesus, you can cultivate the life and legacy God so miraculously created for you. The impact of His purpose that He has fully intended to fulfill.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2)

He is a God who transforms — He is the source of it all. He is straightforward, we know there are things in our lives that will draw us closer to Him on purpose. The idea of purpose and His will for us forces us to go back to the beginning to fully comprehend. We must begin at the point at which we see where God created all things. To start there allows us to connect with Him in such a way that our value, mission and purpose in life are in complete reflection of Christ alone.

The impact of His purpose over our lives calls us to seek so that we have our eyes focused on Him, the One who created with a purpose in everything. Whatever that purpose looks like for you, it is a reflection of Him. Sometimes it is not as easy to see, yet when we surrender in all things we are transformed with one mission in mind and that is to glorify Him, to be in His image. We get to live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love.