Posts in Womanhood
What Makes You, You

What makes you, you is a connection of everything you were, everything you are and everything you are meant to be. The circumstances God walked you through shape your calling, allowing you to see clearly what it is you are here to do.

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Redefining Modesty

There are no verses in the Bible commanding women to “wear long sleeves all the time” or “shorts much reach beyond your fingertips.” What we do see about a women’s appearance actually has less to do with her clothing and more with her character.

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We All Need a Mentor

When I mess up or get stuck – whether it’s a poorly handled argument with my husband, a dry season in my faith, an overwhelming financial decision – I just want to shout for help in hopes that someone further along the trail will come back, grab my arm and guide me on. Except when help doesn’t come, I start to believe I must do it all, be it all and figure it all out myself.

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WomanhoodHannah HladekComment
Words of Truth

She Leads Daily reached out to readers to hear their thoughts about beauty. At times, when you doubt yourself, when you question your looks, your liveliness, your value, here are truths you can lean on.

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